Expression of the TGF-b1/p53 Target SERPINE1 Gene in Alzheimer’s Dementia: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities 


  • Stacie M. Kutz Department of Biology, Sage College of Albany. Albany, NY 12208, USA
  • Craig E. Higgins Center for Cell Biology & Cancer Research, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY 12208, USA
  • Paul J. Higgins Center for Cell Biology & Cancer Research, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY 12208, USA





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How to Cite

Kutz, S. M., Higgins, C. E., & Higgins, P. J. (2014). Expression of the TGF-b1/p53 Target SERPINE1 Gene in Alzheimer’s Dementia: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities . Journal of Aging and Gerontology, 2(1), 1–4.


