The Relationship between Autism Spectrum Disorder among Children and Perceived Functioning among Parents in Italy
Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Depression, Inclusion, Parents, SupportAbstract
Aim: To evaluate how the life of a parent changes from a psychological, social and economic point of view and to investigate levels of anxiety and depression perceived from the moment of diagnosis of the child's Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Methods: From March to December 2021 an observational, cross sectional multicentre study was conducted.
Results: A total of 372 parents were recruited in this survey. From data collected, most of parents reported high depression than anxiety levels. Parents interviewed declared that in most of the life spheres, such as: social, working, family, the presence of their sons with ADS have importantly influenced their lives. No significant associations were recorded between the autistic child habits or behaviors and the presence of anxiety among participants. On the other hand, motor and vocalist which could create serious disturbance among neighborhood was significantly associated with depression condition (p=0.021).
Conclusions: It has been shown that social, psychological and economic support from institutions and professionals is still very low.
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