Nutritional Assessment of Preschool Children Inhabiting at High Geographical Altitude in the Antofagasta de la Sierra Department, Catamarca, Argentina


  • Rosario Elizabeth Pacheco Agüero "Instituto Regional de Estudios Socioculturales (IRES-UNCA-CONICET), Catamarca, Argentina" & "Centro de Estudios de Antropología Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (CEABi-FACEN-UNCA), Catamarca, Argentina"
  • Franco Exequiel Araya Centro de Estudios de Antropología Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (CEABi-FACEN-UNCA), Catamarca, Argentina
  • Delia Beatriz Lomaglio "Instituto Regional de Estudios Socioculturales (IRES-UNCA-CONICET), Catamarca, Argentina" & "Centro de Estudios de Antropología Biológica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (CEABi-FACEN-UNCA), Catamarca, Argentina"



Pediatric age, Body composition, Stunting, Malnutrition, South America


The growth and development of children are profoundly influenced by dietary habits, lifestyles, and environmental factors, which begin to shape early in ontogeny. In high-altitude populations, geographical stressors, such as permanent hypoxia, add further complexity and cannot be modified by human intervention. This study aimed to describe the nutritional status of preschoolers in a high-altitude area of northwestern Argentina.

A cross-sectional and descriptive study was carried out in 59 children aged 4 and 5 years from the towns of El Peñón and Antofagasta de la Sierra (3320 masl), Antofagasta de la Sierra department, Catamarca, Argentina. Anthropometric measurements, including weight (W), height (H), waist circumference, mid-upper arm circumference, and tricipital (T) and subscapular (S) skinfolds. Various indices and indicators, such as body mass index (BMI), waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), subscapular tricipital index (STI), and upper arm fat (UFA) and muscle area (UMA), were calculated. Additionally, the ratios of W/H, H/A (H for age), and BMI/A (BMI for age) were determined. Abdominal obesity was assessed using WHtR, and fat distribution was analyzed using STI. Protein and caloric reserves were estimated based on UMA and UFA, respectively.

The study revealed a low prevalence of low weight (3.7%) but a high prevalence of overweight (20.3%) and obesity (3.4%) among the evaluated preschool children. Notably, 30.0% of overweight children and 16.0% of normal weight children exhibited centralized fat distribution. Abdominal obesity was observed in 90.0% of overweight children and 42.2% of normal weight children. Stunting was also observed in 8.5% of the individuals. Additionally, a considerable prevalence of low caloric and protein reserves was identified.

These findings confirm the coexistence of deficit and excess malnutrition states, indicating a double burden of malnutrition, among the preschoolers of Antofagasta de la Sierra. Moreover, the study highlights the accumulation and distribution of abdominal and centralized fat as significant concerns in this population.


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How to Cite

Pacheco Agüero, R. E. ., Araya, F. E. ., & Lomaglio, D. B. . (2023). Nutritional Assessment of Preschool Children Inhabiting at High Geographical Altitude in the Antofagasta de la Sierra Department, Catamarca, Argentina. International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, 11, 58–64.


