Practical Significance of Early Diagnosis of Kidney Damage in Children


  • Klara Dilmuradova Course of Neonatology of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Samarkand State Medical University, Uzbekistan



Newborns, Neonatal nephropathy, Anti-relapse treatment, Neonatal period


The authors present the results of follow-up observations of children that had undergone neonatal nephropathy. A follow-up observation revealed newborns from mothers with chronic kidney diseases are at risk for the development of neonatal nephropathies. The long-term positive results of the examination of children who underwent neonatal nephropathy and received a course of anti-relapse treatment proved the effectiveness of renal protection.


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How to Cite

Dilmuradova, K. . (2023). Practical Significance of Early Diagnosis of Kidney Damage in Children. International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, 11, 26–29.


