Social Support Perceived by Family and Caregivers of Children with Cancer


  • William Messias Silva Santos Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri - Campus JK, Brazil
  • Jaqueline Silva Santos State Department of Health of Minas Gerais – Regional Superintendence of Health of Passos, Brazil
  • Jeniffer Stephanie Marques Hilári University of São Paulo – Nursing School of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
  • Maria Ambrosina Cardoso Maia State University of Minas Gerais – Campus Passos, Brazil
  • Raquel Dully Andrade State University of Minas Gerais – Campus Passos, Brazil
  • Nadia Veronica Halboth Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri - Campus JK, Brazil



Child, Family, Neoplasms, Social support.


Social support to caregivers and family members can contribute to the construction of coping strategies in pediatric cancer diagnosis scenarios. To identify the state of the current literature concerning social support perceived by families and caregivers of children with cancer was the aim of this study. This is an integrative literature review performed in the LILACS and PubMed databases. We selected 10 articles that met the following inclusion criteria: academic articles published from 2014 to 2018, in English, Spanish and/or Portuguese, available in full and as open access, and addressing social support to the family and/or caregivers of children with cancer. The content of the selected articles was organized into the themes “Social support from interpersonal relationships” and “Social support from the health network”, which consider social support as a relevant and significant element in coping with the context of the family living the experience of having a child with cancer. The selected studies showed family members, parents of other children experiencing a similar problem, co-workers, as well as teachers and colleagues of other children as important sources of support. The health network was also an essential source of support, in the assistance, information, instruction, emotional and mediation dimensions of the community resource network. Thus, according to this integrative review, caregivers and family can be supported in different ways, both material and immaterial, and by people who belong to the most diverse social roles. 


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How to Cite

Silva Santos, W. M. ., Silva Santos, J. ., Marques Hilári, J. S. ., Cardoso Maia, M. A. ., Andrade, R. D., & Halboth, N. V. (2019). Social Support Perceived by Family and Caregivers of Children with Cancer. International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, 7, 28–35.


