Pain in Paediatric Oncology and Spontaneous Drawing: Clinical and Psychological Concerns The Experience of Pain in Children with Cancer
Children, drawing, cancer, pain.Abstract
Objectives: Approximately 50% of children with cancer experience pain. Pain may be due to the presence of the tumour or to effects of the different treatments (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) utilized to treat it. Drawings can be useful tools to collect hidden messages.
Methods: The children drawings collected at the Division of Pediatric Oncology of the Catholic University in Rome have been reviewed and analysed by the psychological staff.
Results: Pain is an unpleasant experience along with psychological and emotional impact causing psychosocial consequences including depression, anxiety, and mood disturbances. Our experience has shown spontaneous drawing with metaphorical representations is an invaluable aid able to express hidden feelings of children.
Discussion: Along with the use of proven scales and techniques for assessing pain, drawings can enhance the modes of children’ communication on their deep emotions and fears.
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