Hospitalized Children and Opportunities to Vaccinate Vulnerable Populations: An Integrative Literature Review


  • Paula Carolina BejoWolkers Federal University of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • Jaqueline Silva Santos University of São Paulo at RibeirãoPreto, College of Nursing, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Maria Cândida de Carvalho Furtado University of São Paulo at RibeirãoPreto, College of Nursing, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Juliana Coelho Pina Federal University of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina, Brazil
  • Regina Aparecida Garcia Lima University of São Paulo at RibeirãoPreto, College of Nursing, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Débora Falleiros de Mello University of São Paulo at RibeirãoPreto, College of Nursing, São Paulo, Brazil



Child, immunization, hospitalization.


The present study aimed to identify evidence available in the health literature concerning the immunization of hospitalized children. This is a descriptive study based on an integrative literature review. Nine scientific papers published between 2001 and 2013 were analyzed. The results were organized into three themes: opportunities to vaccinate hospitalized children; factors against immunizing hospitalized children; and strategies and interventions to improve child vaccination coverage. Hospitalization is an opportunity to identify factors related to why parents do not vaccinate their children and then implement strategies, such as educational interventions, records-updating, immunization reminders, and providing guidance after hospital discharge. 


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How to Cite

BejoWolkers, P. C., Santos, J. S., Carvalho Furtado, M. C. de ., Pina, J. C., Garcia Lima, R. A. ., & de Mello, D. F. . (2016). Hospitalized Children and Opportunities to Vaccinate Vulnerable Populations: An Integrative Literature Review . International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, 4(1), 52–59.


