The Main Properties of Diphtheriae Causative Microorganism Circulated in Postepidemic Period from Biofilm Culture


  • G.G. Kharseeva SBEI HPE Rostov State Medical University Ministry of Health Protection of RF, Rostov-on-don, Russia
  • J.N. Frolova SBEI HPE Rostov State Medical University Ministry of Health Protection of RF, Rostov-on-don, Russia
  • V.N. Gerasimov FBSI SSC AMB, Obolensk, Serpoukhov District, Moscow Region, Russia
  • T.D. Gasretova SBEI HPE Rostov State Medical University Ministry of Health Protection of RF, Rostov-on-don, Russia



Corynebacterium diphtheriae tox , biofilm, antibiotic susceptibility.


Task – to study the main properties toxigenic strain of Corynebacterium diphtheriae circulated in postepidemic period from biofilm culture. It was shown that Diphtheriae causative agent has the ability to biofilm formation that is accompanied by exopolysaccharide matrix formation. This combines with changes of morphologic properties (decrease of bacteria sizes), cultures properties (decrease of colonies sizes, R-S-dissociation) and antibiotic susceptibility. The most effective towards Diphtheriae infection causative microorganism are cefotaxime, gentamycin, linkomycin, kanamycin and cefazolin, because they have no changes in susceptibility of Corynebacterium diphtheria? in the biofilm structure. 


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How to Cite

Kharseeva, G., Frolova, J., Gerasimov, V., & Gasretova, T. (2014). The Main Properties of Diphtheriae Causative Microorganism Circulated in Postepidemic Period from Biofilm Culture. International Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health, 2(1), 19–22.


