The Analysis of Postural Stability and the Risk of Falls After the Ischemic Stroke of the Brain - the Preliminary Report
Postural control, Stroke, Intervertebral disc disease, Risk of fallsAbstract
The aim of the work is the analysis of postural stability and the risk of falls at persons after ischemic stroke of brain in reference to persons with the disease of the intervertebral disc.
Thirty persons were studied (15 - after ischemic stroke, 8 women and 7 men, and 15 - with disease of intervertebral disc in the lumbar section of the spine, 6 women and 9 men) in the sharp period of the disease. The investigation consisted in execution of tests on postural stability and the risk of falls with using of the dynamic platform (Biodeks SD) on the beginning and on the end three weeks lasting the therapy. Results of Postural Stability like the risk of falls while duration of the therapy, in both studied groups, were changed. Group of patients after the ischemic stroke of the brain showed higher values in the test of postural stability and the risk of fall than the patients with the degenerative changes lumbar section of the spine. Persons with the disorders of the central nervous arrangement manifest the larger risk of the fall than the orthopedic patients. The larger quantity of inclination noted down in the arrow and frontal plane during the test of postural stability at patients with neurological disorders.
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