Chronic Pain Due to Pelvis Fracture and Perceptive Rehabilitation
Perceptive surfaces, proprioception, tactile rehabilitation, polytraumaAbstract
Recently, somatosensory rehabilitation is knowing a growing interest in chronic pain condition. In fact, new evidences have associated an impaired lumbopelvic control with a decreased tactile acuity, generating and sustaining chronic low back pain mechanisms. Consequently, an adequate tactile rehabilitation, entailing a discrimination training with a stimulation tasks, seems to be effective on pain, reducing lumbopelvic impairments.
Also the use of perceptual surfaces can be effective on back pain, favouring a tactile and proprioceptive sensory stimulation on the trunk and improving the postural control through a body midline realignment.
The aim of this manuscript was to describe the preliminary evidences on two cases of chronic pain due to pelvis fracture treated with the perceptive surfaces. Furthermore, we have tried to clarify the mechanisms involved in chronic back pain and the effect of a somatosensory rehabilitation. Finally, it was analyzed the role of craniocaudal body midline with the gravitational vertical axis in the setting of correct alignment for improving postural control in these conditions.
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