Intraosseous Lipoma of Calcaneus as a Rare Cause of Heel Pain


  • F. Naim Orthopedic Surgeon, Ass’t Prof. Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University-Gaza
  • K. Elessi Neurorehabilitation Consultant, Associate Prof. Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University-Gaza
  • A. Lubbad Pathology Consultant, Associate Prof. Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University-Gaza
  • B. Dabour Pathology Teaching assistant, Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University-Gaza
  • K. Abuagwa Pathology Teaching assistant, Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University-Gaza



Lipoma, intraosseous lipoma, bone tumor.


Bone lipoma is a rare, primary and benign tumor. In recent years, its detection rate is higher as a result of the increasing use of accurate and more detailed cross-sectional imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) plus the utilization of advanced histological diagnostic facilities. The radiographic appearance on x-ray is not usually characteristic of this lesion and therefore requires differential diagnostics conducted for a long time. However, CT and MRI allow for a tissue-specific diagnosis. The microscopic features are usually those of mature adipose tissue. Sometimes, still, pathological reports may show discordance with radiologic findings. For optimal management, surgical curettage and packing with autogenous bone grafts is usually recommended if the lesion is causing the pain or if the correct diagnosis cannot otherwise be obtained. Our case is a 43-year-old female patient who presented to our clinic with chronic left foot pain. Pain was localized over the left heel with radiation to surrounding areas. The radiological diagnosis of intraosseous lipoma was made based on CT imaging and confirmed later through biopsy. Surgical intervention was needed after failure of conservative management. Curettage of all lesion and packing with autogenous bone grafts was done. Postoperatively, the patient showed remarkable improvement and follow up consultations showed good healing and no signs of recurrence. 


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How to Cite

Naim, F., Elessi, K., Lubbad, A., Dabour, B., & Abuagwa, K. (2017). Intraosseous Lipoma of Calcaneus as a Rare Cause of Heel Pain. International Journal of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, 4(1), 6–9.


