Pectoralis Major Transfer: Technique Variations


  • Fabiano Rebouças Ribeiro Instituto De Assistencia Medica Ao Servidor Público Do Estado De São Paulo (Iamspe), Brazil
  • Gabriel Assumpção Sanchez Monteiro Instituto De Assistencia Medica Ao Servidor Público Do Estado De São Paulo (Iamspe), Brazil
  • Camila Maribondo Medeiros Ramos Instituto De Assistencia Medica Ao Servidor Público Do Estado De São Paulo (Iamspe), Brazil
  • Antonio Carlos Tenor Junior Instituto De Assistencia Medica Ao Servidor Público Do Estado De São Paulo (Iamspe), Brazil
  • Miguel Pereira Costa Instituto De Assistencia Medica Ao Servidor Público Do Estado De São Paulo (Iamspe), Brazil



Rotator Cuff, Pectoralis Muscles, Tendon Transfer, Shoulder Impingement Syndrome.


Subscapularis tears are commonly seen in orthopedic practice and, of all lesions of the rotator cuff these can cause the worst functional deficit of the shoulder. These tears can become surgically irreparable, especially in chronic traumatic cases. The most commonly used surgical procedure to restore horizontal stability is the pectoralis major transfer. Surgical variations for this procedure in the literature include total or partial muscle transfer, transfer above or underneath the conjoint tendon, and the muscle portion to be transferred (clavicular or sternal). The objective of this study was to review the orthopedic literature, to evaluate the most widely utilized surgical technique variations and their results. 


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, F. R., Sanchez Monteiro, G. A. ., Medeiros Ramos, C. M. ., Tenor Junior, A. C. ., & Costa, M. P. (2017). Pectoralis Major Transfer: Technique Variations. International Journal of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, 4(1), 1–5.


