The Early Results of the Reconstruction of Chronic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency with Single Tunnel-Dual-Bundle Technique and Quadruple Hamstring Autograft


  • Serdar Akalin Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya Teaching and Education Hospital, Turkey
  • Ali Bülent Baz Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya Teaching and Education Hospital, Turkey
  • Ömer Faruk Kiliçaslan Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya Teaching and Education Hospital, Turkey
  • Bogaçhan Tokatman Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya Teaching and Education Hospital, Turkey
  • Hasan Arik Department of Hand Surgery, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey
  • Emrah Ercan Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Antalya Teaching and Education Hospital, Turkey



Anterior cruciate ligament, reconstruction, autologous graft.


Purpose: Our study retrospectively evaluates the early results of the reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) defficiency by single tunnel–Dual bundle technique and quadruple autogenous hamstring tendon graft.

Methods: Fourteen female and 46 male patients whom with chronic instability due to ACL deficiency were included in this study. The injury mechanism was sports related injury in 45 patients and in 15 patients the injury were other causes. All of the patients were treated with Single tunnel–Dual band technique and quadruple autogenous hamstring semitendinosus (ST) and gracilis (G) tendon graft. The patients were clinically evaluated with Lachman test, pivot-shift test, anterior drawer test, Mc Murray test, Lysholm activity scale and International Knee Documentation Comittee (IKDC) Questionaire preoperatively and postoperatively and the data were recorded.

Results: The average follow-up was 34.08 months (45–26 months). Both of the menisci were intact in 22 of the patients (36.6%) and meniscal lesion were present in 38 (63.3%) patients. Two of the patients with medial meniscal lesion were sutured with meniscal repair system. Also micro-fracture was performed in 4 patients with grade 3 chondral lesion in medial femoral condyle. The preoperative mean IKDC scores of 38.3 points (range 28.7–63.9) raised to 78.1 points (range 54-98.9) postoperatively and the difference was statystically significant.

Conclusion: In light of the findings of our study and related literature we can comment that the mid-term results of the reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) defficiency by single tunnel–Dual band technique and quadruple autogeneus hamstring tendon graft with AperFix fixation system are stisfactory. 


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How to Cite

Akalin, S., Baz, A. B., Kiliçaslan, Ömer F., Tokatman, B., Arik, H., & Ercan, E. (2016). The Early Results of the Reconstruction of Chronic Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficiency with Single Tunnel-Dual-Bundle Technique and Quadruple Hamstring Autograft. International Journal of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, 3(1), 22–29.


