Time is a Valuable Ally in Polytrauma: A Case Report


  • Damiano Salvato University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
  • Elena Delmastro University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
  • Giulia Bettinelli University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy
  • Giacomo Placella San Raffaele Hospital Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
  • Nikj Mancini San Raffaele Hospital Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy




Polytrauma, Surgical planning, Timing of surgery, Four-limbs fractures.


The Authors report a case of a 24 years old girl involved in a car accident leading to polytrauma with upper and lower limb multiple fractures. The patient was treated with initial damage control orthopedic interventions and then, at a later time, with definitive surgery. The greatest difficulty in the management of this clinical case was the planning of the definitive secondary stabilization interventions, since they could not all be done in a single step but not even in too many procedures. The decision-making process had also to consider the presence of numerous external fixation devices and therefore patient positioning was a crucial criterion for operative planning. This case emphasizes the importance of surgical planning in polytraumatized patients. 


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How to Cite

Salvato, D., Delmastro, E., Bettinelli, G., Placella, G., & Mancini, N. (2019). Time is a Valuable Ally in Polytrauma: A Case Report. International Journal of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, 6, 13–17. https://doi.org/10.12974/2313-0954.2019.06.3


