Prognostic Factors for Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix Treated with Concurrent-Chemoradiotherapy
Locally advanced carcinoma of the cervix, uterine cervix, staging in ca cervix, lymph node in ca cervix, prognostic factors in cancer cervix, predictive factors in cancer cervix.Abstract
Carcinoma of the uterine cervix is most commonly staged with the FIGO (Fédération Internationale de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique) system, which is essentially based upon benevolent intentions of simplicity and accessibility. Locally advanced carcinoma of the cervix (LACC) is defined as disease belonging to stages which are not amenable to routine upfront surgery. Staging for any cancer can be expected to provide valuable information with regards to prognosis and in choosing the appropriate and optimal pathway of clinical management. Hence, it could be said that improper staging or inadequate staging can lead to improper management. Carcinoma of the cervix (CC) continues to be staged by the FIGO system, which continues to ignore proven prognostic factors such as lymph nodal involvement, volume of disease and various other factors. This review intends to acquaint the reader about the exhaustive list of prognostic variables which are of potential significance in predicting prognosis, in determining optimal treatment, in predicting outcomes of treatment and possibly suggesting a subset of patients who may benefit with modified or intensified treatment strategies.
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