Global Journal Of Epidemiology and Public Health <p>The "Global Journal Of Epidemiology and Public Health (GJEPH)" has discontinued publication and is not accepting new submissions. <br />All previously published articles remain accessible in the archive of the journal.</p> Savvy Science Publisher en-US Global Journal Of Epidemiology and Public Health 2313-0946 Willingness for COVID-19 Vaccination among Healthcare Students and their Perception about Reasons for Society’s Hesitation Against COVID-19 Vaccination: Evidence from a University Students in Turkey <p>The attitude of university students studying in health-related fields towards vaccines is an important population<br>that can affect the vaccination decision of the public. It is aimed to determine the attitudes of society toward the Covid-19 <br>vaccine from the perspective of Afyonkarahisar Health Science University students. It is a cross-sectional study applied<br>face-to-face with Afyonkarahisar Health Science University students between November 2021 and December 2021. The <br>mean age of students is 20.5 ± 2.2 and 70.7% of them are female. 56.1% of the students stated that they believed the<br>COVID-19 vaccine was effective and 49.5% believed it was safe. When the students' requests for the COVID-19 vaccine<br>were questioned, 71.6% stated that they wanted to be vaccinated, 19.4% stated that they were against the vaccine, and <br>9.0% had hesitations about the vaccine. According to the perspective of the students, the top 5 reasons for the general<br>hesitations of the society against the COVID-19 vaccine are; Fear/insecurity with 79%, negative effects of the internet<br>and social media with 73%, ignorance with 73%, false/unauthorized information source with 73% and fear of sudden <br>allergic reaction with 72% has received. According to students, the top three common reasons for the society against not<br>getting COVID-19 vaccine are; “Nothing will happen to us”, “pandemic is a conspiracy” and “risk/benefit ratio” are<br>included. Students who are willing to get vaccinated think that "natural immunity", "alternative medicine", "conspiracy <br>theories about vaccines, and ignorance" are important factors for the society's hesitation not to vaccinate (p&lt;0.05).<br>Adequate pieces of knowledge of the students' risk-benefit ratios and natural and acquired immunity related to vaccines<br>are can serve to build trust and a positive attitude toward vaccines in the community.</p> Nurhan Doğan Şerife Eda Gövercin Beyza Nur Seval Artun Tosun Kağan Baturhan Yüce Beyza Gür Copyright (c) 2022 2022-07-04 2022-07-04 7 1 7 10.12974/2313-0946.2022.07.01.1 Maternal Morbidity During Pregnancy in Bangladesh: Evidence from the 2019 Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey <p>Maternal morbidity is a significant public health problem, particularly in developing countries, accounting three-fourth of the maternal deaths. There is dearth of information about maternal morbidity in Bangladesh. This study examined the prevalence and determinants of maternal morbidity during pregnancy in Bangladesh. Data for the study was extracted from the 2019 Bangladesh Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), which covered a nationally representative sample of 64,378 ever-married women aged 15-49 years. For analyzing the maternal morbidity during pregnancy, a subsample of 2,722 married women who were pregnant at the time of survey was considered in this study. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, including multiple regression technique were used for data analysis. Negative Binomial regression model was used for investigating the determinants of morbidity, considering the number of morbidities (a count variable) as outcome variable. The results indicate that about 13% women experienced at least one of the pregnancy related morbidity, while 14% women reported that they experienced at least two morbid conditions during their last pregnancy. Overall, 1.2% of the women faced life-threating morbidity seizure or convulsion, 4.8% increased blood pressure, and 7.4% eclampsia during pregnancy. Blurred vision (12.8%) and high fever (10.2%) were the two most frequently cited maternal morbidity in Bangladesh. The findings of this study reveals multiparity (IRR=1.52, p=001), urban place of residence (IRR=1.18, p=0.047), administrative division, media exposure (IRR=1.24, p=0.004), unwanted pregnancy, migrants, and ethnic non-Bengali as the significant predictors of maternal morbidity during pregnancy in Bangladesh. The findings of this study have important implications for public health program in Bangladesh for further improvement of maternal and newborn health and survival. It is important to take adequate measure for implementing early and adequate number of antenatal care visits for early identification and treatment of pregnancy related morbidities. A greater understanding of the identified risk factors of maternal morbidity and incorporating them into short and long term health strategies would help improve the coverage and contents and thus quality of antenatal care services in Bangladesh.</p> M Mazharul Islam Uzma Marium Copyright (c) 2022 2022-11-14 2022-11-14 7 8 16 10.12974/2313-0946.2022.07.01.2 Bilateral Full-Thickness Macular Hole Formation After Single Dose of Intravitreal Conbercept Injection <p><em>Aim:</em> To report a case of bilateral full-thickness macular hole formation after a single dose of conbercept injection.</p> <p><em>Method:</em> A 46-year-old high myopic female developed full-thickness macular hole in both eyes at 7 and 19 days after intravitreal injection of conbercept. The myopic foveoschisis was misdiagnosed as macular edema. The macular holes in both eyes were repaired surgically.</p> <p><em>Results:</em> The macular holes in both eyes were repaired successfully by surgery.</p> <p><em>Conclusion</em><em>:</em> The full-thickness macular hole formation could occur after anti-VEGF treatment. The possible reasons for this case might be traction caused by anti-VEGF agent or progression of myopic foveoschisis and PVD.</p> Min Wu Jie Min Zhichao Sheng Copyright (c) 2022 2022-11-30 2022-11-30 7 17 21 10.12974/2313-0946.2022.07.01.03